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* System Tray icon Xplore s drives offer easy access to your computer.


"Xplore * System Tray icon provides easy access to your computer s drivers."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Xplore specific to a drive on your system when Windows Explorer to open a simple program. Runs as an icon in the system tray. When you click on the icon, a menu list of all the drivers on your computer, open an explorer by selecting that driver brings.

Run "setup.exe" file and follow the instructions on the screen.

Windows operating system to remove himself from Xplore records can be performed very Add / Remove Control Panel.

Xplore is shareware. Can use for 30 days. If you use the program you need to save I would like to continue after that time. Registration fees can be found in the help file for the record how Xplore $ 7.16 Details.

* Visual Basic 5.0 runtime files This program requires. Our web site three download options: Download only the program files, programs and Visual Basic run-time files to download or just run-time files are downloading.

At this time, Xplore automatically configures itself to run every time your computer will start. If you want to prevent this from happening, "AutoRun would click" Remove from. If you want to use you must manually start the program. Autorun option may be reset would click.
Xplore 1.0 can download free.

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